The Gamestop Battlefield

What happened with Gamestop and several other companies whose stocks went from rags to riches in a matter of days? Is this the battle where individual investors fight the good fight against evil hedge funds? Unfortunately, that may not be the case. As with any brutal...

Current Market Conditions

As we close out 2018, I realize that the significant US stock market declines during the month of December have concerned most people. It is a reminder that investing money is a very serious business and that there are no cookie-cutter investment solutions that work...

Why Diversify?

I tried skeet shooting for the first and only time about 8 years ago.  I missed every moving clay target! It got to the point where the instructor put the clay targets on the grass so I could shoot them while they were not moving.  Everyone cheered me when I finally...

A Note on Recent Market Volatility

I am sure that a lot of you have been inundated by news headlines and media reports related to recent volatility in the stock market.  Rather than selecting from a variety of third-party discussion pieces on this matter, I wanted to give you my opinion while...

Your Portfolio’s Honeymoon Phase

Most of us are familiar with the honeymoon phase of a relationship; those first 6 months (or so) when you are positive that you’ve met your handsome prince or your beautiful princess. Then reality kicks in. It is only during periods of adversity that you know for sure...

Questions We Help Our Clients Answer

There are many ways a financial planner adds value to their relationship with clients. At Gary Alpert & Associates, we are always available for you. Some of the questions we help our clients answer include: 1. Should l refinance my mortgage again? 2. Should l...